Sunday, September 20, 2015

Infectious Disease

“There is no storm worse than calm, and no foe more dangerous than to have no foes.”

Its very important to grow.  I constantly feel the need to push my limits, scare myself with novelty, and grow in all aspects of my life.  There has never been and I hope there will never be a time, which I am content with where I am in life.  Physically, mentally, and spiritually I think it is important to constantly evaluate and reevaluate myself and question what I think and believe.  Ignatius makes a good point with this quote that I can relate to because he seems to feel the same way as I do about complacency.  Complacency is a chronic disease that can effect a person's life negatively overall.  Complacency and apathy are partner diseases in this sense because apathy too can cause the substance of a person to rot.  Apathy in a general sense leaves the person effected empty.  When I was younger, in high school, I dated a girl for a few months.  She was very pretty, had a nice smile, and was friendly when, in the past, I had spoken to her.  At first our relationship went through the typical pattern of young love.  The novelty of the relationship was blinding and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.  The novelty wore away after about a week or two.  I began to realize that this girl was not a bad person in any sense, but I could not continue in a relationship with her because she was infected with these diseases.  Complacency and apathy were through her completely.  She seemed to me to have no substance.  She had no real opinions on anything, and where she was in life she was completely happy staying.  This began to eat at me.  Day and night I'd begin to see it more and more in her life and the way she did things.  I could not take it. 

The feeling it gave me seeing this in her was close to fear because I know that these diseases are contagious.  Many people become filled with complacency after a while either because growth is not a process that is easily undertaken, or because they fall into a lifestyle of complacency and apathy slowly.  What I mean here is that people fall victim to these mindsets both suddenly and gradually.  Some just decide to give up because they are tired, but others never even notice that the change has taken place.  This girl was born into a complacent and apathetic environment and she never fought outside of this way.  I tried to talk to her, but she seemed happy to stay.  Needless to say this was the basis for our break up, and it haunts me that I could not help her.  The best way to have no foes is to not have opinions or a strong sense of conviction about anything.   I agree with Ignatius in this quote, and keep myself in a constant state of evaluation and questioning so that my spirit, mind, and body never stop burning, I also like to keep track of my enemies like rewards to remind me that I stand for something.

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