Thursday, August 27, 2015

Life's Questions

Questions?  Questions.  Questions demand answers, but life provides questions that much of the world would rather not acknowledge.  Questions that require deep investigation into oneself; mind, body, and soul.  Digging into the inner workings of our minds and even into the unknown is quite intimidating for most anyone, but those who venture to these dark unknown places tend to find a sense of enlightenment, a new knowledge with which they can navigate and perceive the world.  This task is often not a simple one, but one of deep commitment, persistence, and patience.  There are no books or videos that can help to ease this looming task because everyone's experience and being is different.  This is a journey, an adventure, that only an individual can take on their own, or perhaps, with the help of God.  Often this journey, or part of it at least, is in search of God.  To find him/her/it, to prove his/her/its existence, to, if found, become closer to this perfect entity.  This is terrifying to for many, so those that find the task too daunting, tend to leave well-enough alone and go about their lives not truly understanding who they are or the world in which they live.

No two people ever really have the same questions in their lives, though many have similar ones because we all share likeness in being human.  Though, perceptions are specific to individuals, the thing being perceived often has specific traits.  Difference in perceptions tend to be the basis for most human conflict, but if we are take part in this journey of self-investigation, we can often find where our own perceptions lie, and how they may resemble those of others.  Through thorough investigation we can find truth by analyzing not only what we perceive, but also by what others seem to perceive.  This perception is not only that of our worldly selves, but as before mentioned a perception of and with mind, body, and soul.  Hopefully this class, Ignatius Loyola, will help to continue me on this journey of self-investigation and take me closer to some Truth.  St. Ignatius found his own path, his own journey that worked for him.  As far as we can tell, he came to a much higher existence, to a greater form of enlightenment through his journey.  Perhaps, by looking at his life and methods I may be able to more closely analyze my own and find better ways of searching.

Some of the questions large and small that I currently wonder.

-Who/what is God?
-Does he/she/it exist?
-Why am I here?
-What pushes me toward the goals I have?
-What is Right?
-Is there a definite Evil?
-Can it be fought?
-If there are two sides, which side am I on?
-Success, in some form seems to be the goal, but what's the cost?
-Is it worth it?
-After death, what?
-Can I control my fate, entirely?
-What is Prayer?
-How much power is mine, and how much comes from another Being?
-How do I come to terms with my Native heritage, and the European development of religion?
-Were my people Evil?
-Am I inherently, if so?
-What is Love?
-Why does monogamy seem unnatural?
-Why does society seem unnatural?
-Can I leave?
-Do I fall into a system I do not agree with, or should I find a way out?
-Is the point to live in punishment in order to reap the reward of an afterlife?

These are just a few of the questions of life that will hopefully be worked toward in this class and answered in my journey searching for Ryan.

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